February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was Jasper’s last year to give out Valentine’s day cards at school. I honestly hate buying them and getting them ready, but I tried to have fun with it this year.

I got him NBA valentines to pass out, which came with washable tattoos instead of gross candy hearts. So the evening before he had to pass them out, David, Jasper and I got them all ready, folded and addressed. I then told him to immediately go and put them in a bag, and put them in his backpack so he wouldn’t forget them. I then headed out the door for my nightly run (I’ve been going to the gym consistently, yeah me!).

In the morning as I was getting Jackson ready and yelling out reminders for Jasper to brush his teeth, I made sure he had his valentines. He hadn’t put them in his backpack immediately the night before (of course) but he did have them in a bag, so he quickly grabbed that bag and we headed out.

When I asked him how Valentine’s day went – and If he passed out his cards, he avoided eye contact and mumbled “It was fine.” I asked again – did you pass out the valentines?

He then went on to explain that when he went to grab his sack of Valentines that morning, he accidently grabbed the wrong sack. Once at school, when it was time to pass them out, he reached into his bag, only to find a bag of dirty diapers!!

I’m sure his class was glad he decided not to pass out what was in his bag.

I wondered why he didn’t question anything before, you know - when his bag was really heavy and smelled like poop!!

In his defense, our house has been a complete mess/disaster area since our water main broke and our basement flooded. Yes, that basement that hasn’t even been finished for 1 whole year.

Happy Valentine’s day! Here’s to a less stinky one next year.

February 3, 2011

Sunday Scribbles

I gave Jasper a sheet of paper to doodle on during church last Sunday.

Here is what he came up with:

Before Jasper, I can honestly say I would never have known what this drawing was.

But now I can quickly identify a football play when I see one. I still don't know what it means. . . but at least I know what it is!

February 1, 2011

Car ride fun

We are in the car A LOT.
  • My parents live 50 minutes away.
  • David's mom, sisters and Kazia live 60 minutes away.
  • Aunt Anne-Marie lives 45 minutes away.
  • Aunt Staci lives 35 minutes away, as do Uncle Todd and Aunt Heather
  • Aunt Heather lives only 20 minutes from us.
  • Aunt Lynn, Uncle Alex and kids live about 26 hours away
  • Aunt Becky, Uncle Jon and kids live about 15 hours away
  • Uncle Mark, Aunt Anna and kids live about 9 hours away
  • Great Grandma, uncles and cousins live about 12 hours away

Lately we've gotten pretty desperate in finding new ways to entertain the kids while on the way to visit family. Lame as it seems, we made up a new game that keeps the kids happy for quite a while during car trips to visit family.

You are welcome to try it out yourselves.

I still have to think of a name for the game, but it's all about identifying parts of yourself quickly, and is mostly fun for 2 year olds, but 12 year olds also enjoy it, even though they pretend to be annoyed.

Everyone show your armpits, NOW!

Everyone show your mouths, NOW!

The game also includes showing eyes, elbows, tummies, knees and more, NOW.

I hope your kids enjoy it as much as mine!