This was Jasper’s last year to give out Valentine’s day cards at school. I honestly hate buying them and getting them ready, but I tried to have fun with it this year.
I got him NBA valentines to pass out, which came with washable tattoos instead of gross candy hearts. So the evening before he had to pass them out, David, Jasper and I got them all ready, folded and addressed. I then told him to immediately go and put them in a bag, and put them in his backpack so he wouldn’t forget them. I then headed out the door for my nightly run (I’ve been going to the gym consistently, yeah me!).
In the morning as I was getting Jackson ready and yelling out reminders for Jasper to brush his teeth, I made sure he had his valentines. He hadn’t put them in his backpack immediately the night before (of course) but he did have them in a bag, so he quickly grabbed that bag and we headed out.
When I asked him how Valentine’s day went – and If he passed out his cards, he avoided eye contact and mumbled “It was fine.” I asked again – did you pass out the valentines?
He then went on to explain that when he went to grab his sack of Valentines that morning, he accidently grabbed the wrong sack. Once at school, when it was time to pass them out, he reached into his bag, only to find a bag of dirty diapers!!
I’m sure his class was glad he decided not to pass out what was in his bag.
I wondered why he didn’t question anything before, you know - when his bag was really heavy and smelled like poop!!
In his defense, our house has been a complete mess/disaster area since our water main broke and our basement flooded. Yes, that basement that hasn’t even been finished for 1 whole year.
Happy Valentine’s day! Here’s to a less stinky one next year.
I got him NBA valentines to pass out, which came with washable tattoos instead of gross candy hearts. So the evening before he had to pass them out, David, Jasper and I got them all ready, folded and addressed. I then told him to immediately go and put them in a bag, and put them in his backpack so he wouldn’t forget them. I then headed out the door for my nightly run (I’ve been going to the gym consistently, yeah me!).
In the morning as I was getting Jackson ready and yelling out reminders for Jasper to brush his teeth, I made sure he had his valentines. He hadn’t put them in his backpack immediately the night before (of course) but he did have them in a bag, so he quickly grabbed that bag and we headed out.
When I asked him how Valentine’s day went – and If he passed out his cards, he avoided eye contact and mumbled “It was fine.” I asked again – did you pass out the valentines?
He then went on to explain that when he went to grab his sack of Valentines that morning, he accidently grabbed the wrong sack. Once at school, when it was time to pass them out, he reached into his bag, only to find a bag of dirty diapers!!
I’m sure his class was glad he decided not to pass out what was in his bag.
I wondered why he didn’t question anything before, you know - when his bag was really heavy and smelled like poop!!
In his defense, our house has been a complete mess/disaster area since our water main broke and our basement flooded. Yes, that basement that hasn’t even been finished for 1 whole year.
Happy Valentine’s day! Here’s to a less stinky one next year.