June 30, 2008


While we were at church yesterday, I looked over at Dave and couldn't believe what I saw.

First, his suit buttons. I took his suit to the dry cleaners over a month ago, and while there the cleaners guy didn't want his buttons to fall off so he put those one plastic things through the button holes to keep them in place. You know, those plastic fastener things that connect a price tag to a shirt you want to buy? I don't know what they're called, but he used those to temporarily prevent his buttons from getting torn off while being dry cleaned.

Anyway, I looked over at him and he had two or three plastic fasteners in every single button of his suit, including the buttons on his coat sleeves, and the button on his pants above the zipper.

*Picture I borrowed from the Internet.

Then, I saw that he was wearing mismatched socks. Not only mismatched, but MINE. One of my brown and white striped socks (his suit is dark gray), and one of my pale purplish gray socks.


I felt bad, because obviously this means I am way behind with the laundry, especially with the sock laundry. And it also means that I need to remove the temporary plastic tags as soon as I get back from the cleaners, because David surely won't be removing them from his buttons on his own. He didn't even care - or know what they were.

It did give me a good laugh though, and I was alert through the rest of Sunday school.


June 25, 2008

Family Reunion

Last weekend the McKinnon family had a reunion at Jacob Lake, Arizona. It was the perfect place for a reunion, and the perfect camping spot for 50+ people and 2 dogs. I don't have any pictures though. I let my sister and mom and cousins do all of the picture taking for me. We camped and talked and ate, and had a quick look at the north rim of the grand canyon. It was so good to see all the family. Normally we only get together for weddings, funerals, or mission farewells, so this was a treat. There were a few families that couldn't make it, and we missed them. We'll have to have another reunion soon (I'm not volunteering to plan it).

A couple days before Dave and I left for the reunion, we cleaned out our shed (that is a picture of it to the left - it looks like a mini barn) and reorganized everything in it. We found so much camping stuff! Between the two of us, we have about 8 sleeping bags + 1 of Jasper's. We have 2 tents, 2 frame packs, 3 coolers, and 8 lanterns. You'd think that means we've been camping a ton. But this last weekend was the first time we've been camping together. David use to camp all the time a few years back and I camped much more often as well. This camping trip - and the realization of how much camping stuff we have - has given us the camping bug. Sleeping is a little uncomfortable camping right now for me and my huge belly - but it is uncomfortable for me at home too. When Jasper gets back we plan on going camping a bunch this summer. There are so many places around us to go.

Jasper has been having fun in Ohio. He's visited Lake Eerie, and just went to Cedar Point. Apparently Cedar Point is a fantastic amusement park, and makes Lagoon look like nothing.
Cedar point currently holds the world record for most roller coasters with 17, one of them being the world's second tallest and second fastest roller coaster. It also is the only park in the world with 75 rides (the most). In comparison, Lagoon has 8 roller coasters. :)

We miss you jasper and I'm jealous you got to go to Cedar Point.

Not much else is new - David is still working on the house. I pulled some weeds the other day, and helped him hold a board up so he could nail it. Oh, and I also held a board while he sawed it, and told him where I'd like the power outlets to be. I'm such a great help!

June 17, 2008

Fruity Pebbles

Dear Jasper,

Today I ate the rest of your favorite cereal, Fruity Pebbles. It did not live up to my expectations! This is your favorite cereal and you would have it for breakfast every morning if you could. But I have to say, I think it tastes like mush and is pretty much just gross. But I love you anyway.


June 16, 2008

Week and Weekend

Here are some random pictures of the past week and weekend.

David took all week of last week to work on our house. The house has a carport-shed type thing on the side of the house, that David is connecting to the actual house. It will act as a mud room/laundry room and I can't wait until its finished. Once this is done we can move the washer and dryer from the basement upstairs, and then he will start working on the basement. What a handy guy. He's had all sorts of helpers all week, including my dad, Lori, Jasper, Todd and Heather, a cousin/electrician, and of course our neighbor Larry.

Jasper and his cousin Kazia are now in Ohio having a wonderful summer vacation with their other cousins and Aunts and Uncles. They left Sunday morning, so Kazia slept over Saturday night and we stayed up playing Apples to Apples.

According to the game, I am Extreme, Haunting and Meek.

And Jasper is Hilarious, Powerful, Bold, Primitive, and Lucky.

In the SLC airport parking lot. . .
And then at the airport. They got to fly their by themselves and got special attention by the flight attendants and early boarding. They made it safely there and apparently already had a fun trip to Lake Eerie.

Here's an attempt at a video.

June 13, 2008

The Worst

You know what is the worst?

Having a bad cold.

What's worse than that?

Having a bad cold while pregnant.

What's worse than that?

You can take very few medicines while pregnant, so your cold symptoms seem even more horrible.

What's even worse than that?

While you are pregnant with a cold having taken only limited medications that don't really work, your husband is trying to do some remodeling on the house and you are not of much help.

And the VERY WORST thing - is that the duck baby mama is gone and her nest full of eggs is now motherless. I did some research on the internet about what to do with an abandoned duck nest, and I read that duck mamas very rarely abandon their nests and that it is more likely that the mother was killed or injured. Also, apparently abandoned duck eggs rarely live even if we had an incubator.

So we have bad news.

On a lighter note - baby boy baby moves a ton and I love it!

June 7, 2008

Duck Baby Mama and other news

Becky accused me of being a "blog non-updater." I realize it has been a while, and I have no excuse except for being tired and not feeling like updating. Here are some things that have been going on around here.

Jasper did very well in his pinewood derby. He even got the "Smoothest Ride" award. These are some pictures from my camera phone, and they didn't turn out very well. The car that says "AMERICA" is Jasper's and the car with the stars is David's.

Jasper's last day of school was Wednesday. Since then he's had nonstop fun. Thursday he got to have his mom and Grandma come up and take care of him while David and I were at work. Then, his aunt and cousin joined them and they all went to Boondocks and had a blast with the go-carts, the miniature golfing, and everything else. Friday my mom came up and they went to the library, McDonalds, and Kung Fu Panda.

While Jas was out partying with his family on Thursday night, David and I were out back doing some weeding. When David bought this house it came complete with an old picnic table. This picnic table has been sitting on the side of the yard pretty much since then. We moved it to get some of the weeds underneath it, and David saw a ball of feathers. He moved the feathers and found a nest of eggs - huge Duck eggs!

Lately we had been seeing a duck wandering around our back yard often and we wondered what in the heck she was always coming over for. There is a pretty big canal down the road and the duck traffic is pretty heavy around here anyway, so it wasn't too out of the ordinary. But I guess now we know why she has been around.

Not soon after we discovered her nest, she came back and found us near it. She quacked nervously and then flew off. We were worried she'd abandon it. But, not to fear, she came back and sat on it almost all day yesterday Jasper informed me. We even had a little BBQ in our back yard right next to her nest and although she was visibly nervous and very aware of us, she didn't budge from her nest almost the entire night.

We threw bread crumbs at her, because - heck she must be hungry. But then I think she thought we were harassing her and she flew off. She then brought back Daddy duck, and she and the daddy kept flying back and forth, sitting on the roof, and the neighbor's roof, spying on us and watching us for the rest of the evening. We finally left and we put her picnic table back, and she's sitting three contentedly right this minute.

I wonder if Duck Baby Mama has as hard a time sleeping as me? I think it might be even more uncomfortable sleeping on a pile of 11 eggs, then sleeping with one baby in your tummy. What do you think?

Happy Birthday David

It's my husband's birthday!

David loves:

Ultimate Fighting (David saw me writing this and corrected me. He doesn't love Ultimate Fighting, he just likes to watch it a lot)!

Fresh fruit!

Sour Patch Kids!

Reading. He especially loves to read philosphy and books on religion (our religion or otherwise).

And of course, the Utah Jazz!

I sure am lucky. Happy Birthday Dave!