June 30, 2009

Play date

Monday my good friend Molly and I had a play date with our kids.

I think these two are destined to be good friends.

I saw this sunhat at Old Navy and couldn't resist getting one for Jackson, especially since I somehow lost his adorable tractor hat.

Jackson had his first swim.

They have these swim shirts for boys that are such a good idea! I think he had fun swimming, I sure did.
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June 29, 2009


I once had a licorice...

And it was so tasty

And delicious!

Then mommy took it away!

And then she gave it back.
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June 12, 2009

Flashback Friday

I asked Jasper to draw a picture of Jackson last Sunday, while he was bored to death at church. This is what he came up with.

I see the resemblance, especially in the binky!

His love for drawing reminds me of myself when I was about his age. However I was not nearly as talented as him and my drawings were always limited to girls. Girl faces, especially side profiles. Girls with pretty hair, girls in pretty dresses. That was what I would do for hours on end.

I found some of my work in my old journal.

This entry was about my sister Staci in 1990 when I was about 12.

I don't know why I drew a picture of this girl picking her nose. But that is one long finger!

This one and the one above were in 1989. I love the word bubbles I have for my sisters Heather and Becky. Heather is saying "Don't breathe on me!" and Becky says "Pig."

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June 8, 2009

Here is some video (WITH SOUND!) of Jasper playing at his last baseball game.

He has improved so much this year in baseball. We are looking forward to next year already.

Signups for football start July 1st. Sigh.

June 3, 2009

Student of the Month

So when Jasper got home from school today, he pulled this out of his backpack:

Yeah for Jasper! I love love love that he has been awarded for "showing qualities of humor."

Of course!