December 20, 2011

Yeah for Christmas time

Christmas time is here! This year I did almost all the shopping online, and it is the best thing EVER. Yeah Amazon! Every day I got a package, was almost like getting a present for myself, even though it was for Jasper, Jackson, Harper, David, or anyone else. I loved it! Or should say love it - since I'm still expecting a package or two.

Jasper has the next two weeks off for Christmas break. Which means, lots of fun, lots of xbox, lots of "can my friends come over" and  "can you take me to my friend's house?" Today we broke up the day by taking a trip downtown to eat lunch with David.  We met him at DP Cheesesteaks, and it was delicious.

Below, we have a miserable jackson, crying about having to eat food.

Here is sweet Harper Lynn, wondering why Jackson is crying.

Jasper and his friend Nik, munching.

Afraid all the other customers would hate me for bringing in a crying toddler, I gave in and gave Jackson a stale granola bar. Just what he wanted!

Here's my sweet hubby.

It was a fun afternoon on the town.

1 comment:

The Dummers said...

Fun afternoon! Gotta love Amazon and "Brown Santa!"