July 22, 2010

Fun at Willard Bay

On Monday - our anniversary, my parents were kind enough to take the kiddos for a while so David and I could go on a date.

While we were gone to dinner and a movie, they went canoeing and kayaking at Willard.
Jasper brought along a friend, and 3 of my sisters went too.

Here are Jasper and his friend swamping the boat. I'm not sure what the purpose of swamping is, but my dad said it was to prepare them for scouts next year.

Jackson looks like an old pro in the kayak. And, wow, a picture of my dad - quite a feat!

Fun Aunt Staci takes Jacks for a ride,

And fun Aunt Heather helps him touch the water.

They had tons of fun!

July 19, 2010

Three Years

It's already been three years.

And yes, I can believe it.

Sometimes it seems like 10 years!

I don't mean that in a bad way - we've just had a lot crammed into our three short years of marriage.

Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way.

David, you're my favorite.
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July 13, 2010

Devil or Angel?

Jackson saw Jasper climb a tree in our backyard, and wanted to climb it too.

So we put him up in the tree, and snapped some pics.

After looking at all the pics these my favorites, although I can't decide if he is a devil baby, or an angel baby.

Help me decide -


or Angel?

July 11, 2010

Some Ragnar Pictures

I know, I know, I make running look so good.

Here I am below at the baton hand off.

My family was so nice to come see me off for my second leg!

This was after Staci's first leg.

One of my favorite pics ever, below!
My mom there to cheer me on!
Staci on her first leg.

July 9, 2010

Mr. Delay Tactics

This guy is talented.

And not only at basketball.

He is also a very talented delayer.

He hasn't quite warmed up to his new title, "Mr. Delay Tactics," but I feel he will in time. He has definitely earned it.

He has earned this nickname by being a champion delayer, of all things not-fun. These things include (but are not limited to):
  • Getting ready for bed. Jasper delays this nightly. We say, "okay, time to get ready for bed" at least 3 times before he moves his legs.
  • Doing the dishes. Mr. Delay has been known to take 3 hours to load and unload a dish washer. Now that is some serious delaying talent.

  • Mowing the lawn. This is understandable - and not his best talent since he has gotten much better at it lately and also mows our neighbor's lawn. He is still good at not getting out the door to mow until after several pleadings from his parents.
  • Homework (yes I'm mean and make him do some summertime homework). This is accompanied by moans and groans! Two pages of sums and grammar and the kid can take 2 hours. He has such a gift!
  • Brushing his teeth. Now this one is special, since he delays only the getting to the bathroom to brush his teeth part. The actual brushing, shockingly, is done with record speed! The kid can pick up the brush, load on the paste, brush and rinse all in 10 seconds flat. Unbelievable!

  • Taking a shower. Until Jasper, I never knew anyone who hated getting clean this much. Sometimes he manages to delay it even a day or two - depending on how stinky he is, and how good he is at convincing us that he'll just take it in the morning.
  • Putting anything away. I think most kids are good at this - even most adults! I'll even put his shoes on his dinner plate as a gentle reminder that they need to be put away, and even still - it is delayed. I'm just in awe.
Way to go Mr. Delay Tactics!

July 7, 2010

Lehi Rodeo

We had a wonderful time at the Lehi Rodeo about a week ago.

Don't let the first picture fool you - everyone had tons of fun!

Especially Jackson. Yeah for rodeos!!
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July 4, 2010

My Cheese Baby

Jackson has become quite the smiler. He has such a huge cheesy smile that he loves to flash - especially when he sees a camera.

I sure love my cheese baby.
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