August 30, 2010

Olympic Camping - Part III

Did you know that there is a pretty popular series of books and movies - the Twilight series - that takes place in the Washington's Olympic Peninsula? By an author named Stephenie Meyer? About Vampires and Werewolves?

Yep, there is.

And the city of Forks is definitely capitalizing on it.

Forks was a mere 30 miles from where we were camping, in Kalaloch.

I'm not even a huge fan, but we were so close we had to check it out.
The number of visitors to Forks has increased from approximately 17,000 a year, to 70,000 since the books/movies came out.

Maybe that's why in the chamber of commerce they had the cutouts for the Twilight characters in the lobby.
Which one of these things is not made of cardboard?

And Bella's truck in the parking lot.

Twilight tours. So tempting! Maybe more tempting if the movies had been filmed here, or if the characters in the book were real.

Instead we ate at a Sully's, where they had Edward ice cream, and Jacob burgers.

And scary wooden carvings of ... ???

August 29, 2010

Olympic Camping - Part II

After camping our first night in Oregon, we drove all day the rest of the day and finally made it to our next destination. We met my sister Becky and her family out our reserved camp spot in Washington.

I've been to a lot of places, and Olympic National Park - especially on the peninsula - ranks as one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

The forest is beautiful and green and wet, and the ocean is awesome and breathtaking.

We stayed in Kalaloch from Tuesday night through Friday.

Jackson and his cousin Lindsay bonded instantly - she is about 9 months older than him.

Here they are eating fruit snacks of the forest floor. Like a good mother I took a picture before stopping them.

We had crafts! Staci and My mom found these cool wooden boxes from Hobby Lobby. Each kid decorated it then used it to store their treasures, i.e. crab heads, rocks, and dirt.

Here Jasper plays with Megan and Molly next to the Ocean.

And here my husband, Jasper and sisters attempt to kayak the ocean. It was pretty much impossible to get past the waves.

Here I am running from the waves.

August 24, 2010

Time Out for a Haircut

Let's take a break from camping to see some adorable pictures of Jackson getting a buzz cut.
This was also done a month or so ago - so most of his hair is back now.

I just found the pictures and thought they were too cute not to share.

I think this is his 2nd haircut - he sits really still, and loves it.

Now its Daddy's turn!
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August 23, 2010

Olympic Camping - Part I

We started out Monday morning. We took two cars - Jackson was great while we drove, thanks to lots of treats, toys, and Jasper.

Here he is eating Rice Krispies made by Aunt Heather.

Somewhere before La Grande Oregon my Dad ran out of gas in the truck. The truck with the camper, 5 people and a dog, pulling 2 kayaks, 2 canoes and a ton of camping equipment. Luckily he coasted right off the freeway and soon we were on our way.

Somewhere between Pendleton and La Grande, we pulled off I-84 to stop at this fruit shop/antique store.

My Grandpa Haven Hampson was a fruit delivery man. He delivered fruit to this shop many years ago. Of course back then he delivered to this shop below.

It has since relocated to the newer bigger shop, just across the street.

The antique shop/fruit stand had delicious fruits and fun antiques.

Seriously - donut peaches - delicious.

Ginger Gold apples - yum.

Then we went to Emigration Springs - an Oregon State Park, and stopped for the night. This stop is right along the Oregon trail.

I was very nervous about Jackson's first time camping. Of course he had a blast, running around, peeking in tents and getting dirty. But it was the sleeping that stressed me out.

The first night sleeping in the tent he went from me to Aunt Staci, climbing over Jasper in the middle, for the first hour. He woke up at 4:30 am crying. It was pretty much terrible. However, the first night was the worst, and it was pretty good every night after that. :)

Onto part 2...

August 20, 2010

Olympic National Park - Sneak Peek

The Bennetts, McKinnons and Coles went camping last week. We drove over 2000 miles round trip and we had so much fun.

Here are a few pictures of our trip:

Megan, Grandma, Lindsay, Jasper, Jackson and Garrett.

Jasper skipping rocks.

Jackson, cheesing it.

We camped on the beach in Kalaloch (pronounced Klay-lock) Washington, and were only 30 miles(ish) from Forks. More on that to come.

The Bennetts on the beach. Jasper and Jackson's first time seeing the ocean.

Just a sneak peek.

August 6, 2010

Forever Family

Last week Jasper was sealed to us in the Jordan River Temple.

To be sealed, or a temple sealing, is a sacred ordinance performed in a temple. Children can be sealed to their parents, with the expectation that the entire family structure can endure through this life and extend into the hereafter.

The sweet ladies who volunteer in the temple nursery - where Jasper and Jackson waited before the sealing - gave them these sheets before they left.

We are truly blessed.

Jordan River Temple, photo by Anthony Sweat.

August 4, 2010


Jasper loves monopoly, so we thought we'd play a game of it last week.

It was fun, but playing with Jackson was. . . tricky.

"I'll buy boardwalk and park place, please."

We had fun anyway!

August 2, 2010

Future Football Star?

Jasper registered for football and picked up his gear last weekend. He is super excited and I have to admit, so am I. Although football is the most time consuming sport that we've put Jasper in, he loves it the most, he's good at it, and he loves his teammates and coaches. I've gotten to understand it a little more too (which isn't saying much!).

Looks like Jackson is a fan as well! He drags his pads and helmet out of his room daily. I can't wait for the first game.
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