I'm 9 months pregnant. That came fast! I have 3 weeks left and I'm feeling it.
However this pregnancy has been MUCH easier than my first, and I'm not sure if its because I exercised, because its a different sex, because its not my first, or because I'm only working part-time... probably a combination.
Whatever the reason, it has been a good pregnancy, and this little girl moves A LOT.
Jackson and I just finished our last Mom and Tot swimming class a week ago.
I don't know if I'm brave or crazy to have ventured out like this, but Jackson enjoyed it.
Jasper on the other hand did not enjoy his forced swimming lessons, but they are over now too, thank goodness!
Jackson and I ventured out to Classic Waterslides a few weeks ago (they have a great summer pass deal, too great to resist). We had a good time, until Jackson and I got stuck on a waterslide.
He was scared about the slide to begin with. He wouldn't sit on my lap on our way down the slide, so he clung to my neck, and as we rounded a curve I fell onto my back. No big deal except I have no stomach muscles and a baby clinging to my neck! I couldn't sit up for the life of me!
I wiggled and he screamed with his face stuck in the water and me on my back. I cried out to "stop the ride" only to remember it's not a ride that can be stopped. Finally I wiggled my way to a sitting up position and made it down the rest of the slide. Poor Jackson was so horrified that he laid on his towel and refused to budge the rest of our time there, even for candy.
But, I would pay a lot of money to see the whole thing replayed. I know it looked hilarious.
Poor guy!