July 26, 2011

Jasper happenings

I finally got some of the baby stuff out, including this basinette. Jackson saw it and quickly ran and put a doll inside.

This is a doll that Jasper had when he was a baby. Jackson affectionately calls him "baby Jasper"

Jasper has had such a full summer and it is coming quickly to an end.
  • Tomorrow he heads off to Scout camp for an entire week.
  • The week after that Football practice starts, 5-6 days a week.
  • Then 7th grade starts!
Just last week I took him to get his 7th grade immunizations and a physical exam for boy scouts.

Not surprisingly, he is in the 98th percentile for height (5'7" and 1/4"), and in the 92th percentile for weight (133 lbs). He is big. I have to brag about this because little Jackson is destined to be below the 30th percentile for his entire life.

Question: What is the point of giving birth to a 10 lb baby, if it doesn't pay off later on?
Answer : There is no point.

Here's hoping my little girl is not so chunky.

I'm super excited/nervous for Jasper to start Middle School. He's just growing up too fast.
Lately he won't let me take many pictures of him, so I have to post what I can get. He's gonna love me for these.

1 comment:

Kandice said...

He is soooo handsome! Michelle, you are a great mom!