September 22, 2011

Date night with Auntie Ree

Jackson had his first one on one outing with one of his Aunts, last weekend.

Anne-Marie took him to see The Lion King on the big screen.

Here they are on their way out:

Boy is my little one getting big. He sat through the whole thing, no treats necessary for a bribe. He even knew almost all the animal names.

Thanks Auntie Ree - Jackson sure loves you!

September 21, 2011

She's can't/ She's can

Jackson loves to point out all the things Harper can and can't do.


"She's can't kalt" (talk - he transposes first and last letters/sounds quite a bit)
"She's can't walk"
"She's can't do a back fwip"

No, she can't do a back flip and neither can her mother.


"She's can grint" (drink)
"She's can pooped"
"She's can scream"

I think he has it about right!

Do you like the chair my sister Staci and I reupholstered (using the term loosely)?

Chair $0
+ fabric $20
= great deal

September 16, 2011

State Fair

Jackson and his friends had so much fun at the State Fair!

Watch Jacks below, doing some "backflips"

Mom and Harper were HOT. But we also had fun.

But, Jackson definitely had the most fun of all.

"Mom, he's breathing on me!"

September 15, 2011

Too many toys

I think Jackson might like his toy cars...

...just a little bit.

September 14, 2011

La moto, and el bellybutton

Our friend Bryan stopped by on his motorcycle, and the kids had to check it out.

Jackson is so talented, able to ride while holding a sippy in one hand!

If you look hard, you can see her belly button.

Fun with friends on the arcade carousel!

I know ya'll are jealous of all the fun we're having.

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September 13, 2011

Jasper School Pictures

Jasper's 7th grade pictures:

I'm biased, but I think he's handsome. And apparently all the girls in school think so too. According to Jasper they are pretty disappointed to find out he is only a 7th grader.

I'm super proud of him. He loves Middle School and is working hard. 

I love him lots.

September 9, 2011

Camera Shy

Baby Harper had a sweet photo shoot from  Camera Shy. I think she is adorable.

Some pregnancy stats!

Pregnancy weight gain with Jackson: 60 lbs
Pregnancy weight gain with Harper: 20 something lbs

Swelling in feet with Jackson: LOTS (think stay puft marshmallow man)
Swelling in feet with Harper: minimal

Ability to sleep while preg with Jackson: Lots of snoring, lots of bathroom trips, hard time breathing during most of my pregnancy

Ability to sleep while preg with Harper: Not an issue - no snoring, not as many bathroom trips, breathing only a minor issue

Overall - being pregnant with Harper was a cake walk compared to my first pregnancy.


With both pregnancies I did not go into labor on my own. With Jackson I was induced 1 week late. With Harper induced 2 days late. Jackson's labor include 3 hours of pushing, a near c-section and a huge baby weighing 9 lbs 14 oz! With Harper I only had to push through 4 contractions - and she was teensy by comparison - 8 lbs 9 oz!


Either baby girls are much easier for me, or it is all about the exercise. I ate the same type of foods with both pregnancies - but with Harper I continued to jog up until about 7 months along. It was not always fun, but I would say it was worth it!

September 7, 2011

Super Sweet

Some pictures of my sweetheart Harper.

She really is a sweetheart. I pretty much adore her.

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