Baby Harper had a sweet photo shoot from
Camera Shy. I think she is adorable.
Some pregnancy stats!
Pregnancy weight gain with Jackson: 60 lbs
Pregnancy weight gain with Harper: 20 something lbs
Swelling in feet with Jackson: LOTS (think stay puft marshmallow man)
Swelling in feet with Harper: minimal
Ability to sleep while preg with Jackson: Lots of snoring, lots of bathroom trips, hard time breathing during most of my pregnancy
Ability to sleep while preg with Harper: Not an issue - no snoring, not as many bathroom trips, breathing only a minor issue
Overall - being pregnant with Harper was a cake walk compared to my first pregnancy.
With both pregnancies I did not go into labor on my own. With Jackson I was induced 1 week late. With Harper induced 2 days late. Jackson's labor include 3 hours of pushing, a near c-section and a huge baby weighing 9 lbs 14 oz! With Harper I only had to push through 4 contractions - and she was teensy by comparison - 8 lbs 9 oz!
Either baby girls are much easier for me, or it is all about the exercise. I ate the same type of foods with both pregnancies - but with Harper I continued to jog up until about 7 months along. It was not always fun, but I would say it was worth it!