March 27, 2008

Yep, I'm Pregnant

I can finally use the reserved parking spaces that are for expectant mothers at Harmons! I am 11 weeks pregnant. I was sick for the first little while, but the last couple of weeks I have been feeling great. And also feeling very fat. We went to the doctor at 10 weeks and he did an ultrasound. We saw little arm buds and leg buds and the baby was bouncing and moving around. Very cool! I'm looking forward to being big enough to wear maternity clothes, because right now I'm too big for all my regular clothes - none of my pants will button up, but I'm also not big enough for actual pregnancy clothes. Oh well - no big deal.

Both David and I are so excited and cannot wait!

March 25, 2008

Easily Annoyed

I find myself easily annoyed lately at the dumbest things that people do. I know I should just let these things go and ignore dumb behavior, but I find myself getting so worked up! For example the other day at the movie theater, this guy a row ahead of us and just over to the right kept opening up his cell phone during the movie to text. Now c'mon, is that completely necessary? I don't know about you but if someone opens up their cell phone, I can see the light from it shining brightly even if I am at the very back of the theater and they are at the front. It is annoying, but I should just try and avert my eyes and LET IT GO. But this seems nearly impossible. All I can do is whisper over to David "Do you see that cell phone? How annoying! Can't he just wait until the movie is over? Why is he even paying to see this if all he wants to do is text! Jeesh!" Plus this guy did it over and over throughout the movie and his texting sessions lasted for 2 minute intervals.

Then this last Saturday, David and I were headed up to Layton to help his brother Todd an his wife Heather move into their new home. We got a late start and decided to stop at McDonalds for breakfast. That was our first mistake. It was completely packed! Why was everyone at McDonalds? I mean who goes to McDonalds unless they are on a road trip or wanting a quick breakfast while on their way to Layton to help their brother-in-law move? Well, apparently everyone. We had to wait through a line in our car just to park. Finally I saw a parking spot so I quickly snatched it. After we parked, I noticed the car behind us parked right next to us. An old lady got out of the car and looked right in my window and started shaking her finger. I opened the car door to see what it is she wanted and she snapped "YOU NEED TO TURN ON YOUR BLINKER WHEN YOU TURN INTO A PARKING SPOT!" My first instinct was to laugh, but I held it in and said "OK" and closed my door. What in the heck? I'm sorry, but there was no need to use my blinker when we were going .002 miles an hour in a line around McDonalds to find a parking space!

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)

March 21, 2008

Peep Lover

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that love peeps, and those that hate them.

I'm a lover. Usually when I buy a package, I eat the whole thing while I'm still in my car driving home from the supermarket. I've eaten them fresh out of the package, stale, and blown up in the microwave. They are delicious any way for me.

I heard a rumor that my Uncle Steve is also a lover of the peep. Anyone else?

March 17, 2008

Post game commentary

It is amazing how grown men and women will react when they hear the announcer at the Jazz games say "Jazz fans, let's hear some noise!" or "Ball toss, make some noise!" "Free t-shirt, make some noise!" "On your feet Jazz fans!"

My thoughts at past sporting events to these kind of spirit boosters has always been something like "No, I don't want to make any noise and I'd rather stay in my seat thank you." "Please people in front of me, why don't you just sit down so we can all enjoy the game without having to stand up and sit down over and over again, all game long" "I already have enough t-shirts, but thank you."

Then there is David.

Every time they say "On your feet Jazz fans!" he is up and cheering. He shouts DEFENSE as if the game depended on it during most games. He is up on his feet when he sees the t-shirts falling from the sky with mini parachutes, and especially during sling shot ball tosses.

His enthusiasm has rubbed off on me - kind of. I'll get up every once in a while now. And if I see a frisbee coming in my direction, I won't duck as often. I'll even clap and shout the DEFENSE cheer sometimes too.

Then tonight I noticed myself playing tetris on my cell phone during a very close game in the 4th quarter, and I realized that I will never care about sports like David. It's just not in me!

But I did record the new season of the Bachelor and plan on being a real fan of it all season long.

March 11, 2008

Out of Ideas

Lately I haven't been able to think of anything good to blog about. Sometimes during the day I'll think of dumb things that really wouldn't be anything interesting, mostly stuff like:
  • The crossing guard who waves and smiles every single time I drive by her on my way to work. I know she's trying to be friendly, but it really bugs me. I try to avoid eye contact as she waves frantically, and pretend not to don't see her.

  • I'm sadly very excited for the new season of The Bachelor and The Hills.

  • How much I love popsicles lately.

  • How excited I am for spring and to plant a flower and vegetable garden.

  • I want to make my blog cute, but don't want to have to buy graphics or cute backgrounds. I only want the free stuff.

  • We have a leaky roof.

  • I almost always want to blog about the weird claimants I have to deal with every day, including the grown woman, who in response to a question I asked, folded her arms in a huff, scowled and stared until I had to ask "Does that mean yes or no?" (It meant no).

  • The above mentioned lady, kind of looked like this:

I'll spare you from these types of blog posts.

March 8, 2008


David's Grandma (more commonly known as Gma) died last week and the funeral was held yesterday. She was 100 years old.

Velda Burnham Bennett (June 19, 1907 - March 1, 2008)

The funeral was nice. David's sister Lynn and brother Mark came in from Ohio, so it has been so nice visiting with them.

When she reached 100 last year, she became a member of the "100 club" and received a certificate from the governor and a letter from President Bush. She even had an article written about her in the newspaper.

One of her favorite things to do was to get her hair done. She used to go weekly, and it was something she loved and looked forward to. She had been going to the same woman for over 20 years named Maddie. And sweet Maddie came and did her hair for the viewing. That was very special.

Gma went back to school at the age of 50 and became a teacher. She then taught for 10 more years. When the article was written about her turning 100, she received a letter from a former 1st grade student, that had her as a teacher in 1965. She said she loved having her as a teacher and became a teacher herself.

She will be missed!

You can read her obituary by clicking here.