September 29, 2009

Football Win!

After losing the first three games of the season, Jasper's team had its first win last Saturday! Go Jasper! They played great. We have had so much fun going and watching and cheering. The games are every Saturday at 9am which is exactly when Jackson usually takes his first nap of the day. He is exhausted but has so much fun watching and clapping and saying "Hi!" to everyone.

Jasper is a lineman again this year and he is playing so well! He LOVES football, and is such a good sport - never complaining about going to practice. He loves all the new bruises he gets every week.

And yes, in the picture below he is sporting a mohawk (story to follow).

This is what Jackson looks like on the way home every week, after 1 minute in his car seat.


Tara Bennett said...

Congrats Jasper! Jackson is too cute for words. =)

The Rookie said...

Wahoo Jasper! Both of these boys are just too adorable for words--mohawks, sleepyheads, and all. :)

alcorrea5 said...

A mohawk? This will be a story to hear. And that Jackson is getting cuter and cuter.

Anonymous said...

Jackson is really looking older, he is so cute. Tell Jasper good luck with football.

stacilynn said...

I love the mohawk. Jasper looks tough in that pic.

Marie said...

Jackson is getting so big. Lucy likes to do the same hi thing with our phones too so I had to chuckle at that. As far as "the move to the basement, I don't have any great advice except this.. I was scared to death of the dark and that a fire would break out in the house when I was little. I think the thing that helped me the most was one night when my mom came in because she heard me crying. When I told her that I was afraid of a fire in the house, she ttok me in her arms and told me that when she gets scared or concerned for our family, she prays to Heavenly Father for protection and comfort. I was only 8 or 9 when we had that conversation, but I still remember it and use the advice. Good luck with the move when it happens.