July 13, 2010

Devil or Angel?

Jackson saw Jasper climb a tree in our backyard, and wanted to climb it too.

So we put him up in the tree, and snapped some pics.

After looking at all the pics these my favorites, although I can't decide if he is a devil baby, or an angel baby.

Help me decide -


or Angel?


The Dummers said...

Hahahaha! Angel for sure!

Jentry said...

This post has totally made my morning. I doubled over in laughter. I think the answer is both. Just like all of us.

Tina McKinnon said...

Looks like a delightful... and challenging mix of both! He's adorable!

The Anderson's said...

Ok this is like the funniest post ever!! He looks darling as both angel and devel... ha ha!

Becky said...

Angel of course!

Marianne said...

I like him as the Devil.

Shelly said...

He's too cute!! He definitely looks like an angel, but there's obviously a little devil in there (I love the devil pic!).

alcorrea5 said...

He-he! I love both faces. And I will go with the majority and say both. He definitely excels in the personality department!!