November 12, 2010

Jasper turned 12!

Jasper turned 12! He is lucky enough to have a birthday the day after Halloween, which means he gets lots of parties.

Party with Bennets+ Halloween party with all his friends + Party with the McKinnons = lots of presents and fun!

His best present was the present he gave to himself. He saved up $200 and bought his own Xbox. He earned the money mowing the neighbors lawn and pulling his weeds, as well as working on his Aunt Heather's yard. It was hard earned money.

At both bday parties with the Bennetts and McKinnons, we had a "make yourself into a mummy with toilet paper contest." It was fun and we still have lots of loose toilet paper around the house.

And yes, that is "Watcher in the Woods" on the TV in the background. No, it isn't scary at all.

Happy Birthday Jasper! I can't believe you are 12. We love you!

1 comment:

The Dummers said...

Happy Birthday, Jasper!! (Watcher in the Woods? Really? I haven't seen that movie in forever and remember it being crazy scary!)