March 17, 2011

What's your vote?

Im pregnant - 20 weeks.

This Friday, I get to find out what our new baby will be. Boy, or girl.

Whats your vote?

Some facts to consider:

  • This pregnancy has been remarkably easier than my first.
  • The difference in pregnancies could be because it is a different sex than Jackson,
  • or because I have been exercising regularly (as opposed to my sit and get fat exercise method last time).
  • the difference could also be because I was just wimpier and whinier before and just thought I had it tough.

Boy or girl, we are very excited!

Tell me what your guess is in the comments below.


Heather said...


The Singer Family said...

OH congrats!!!!!! SO fun. I'm guessing boy so I'll root for girl and pray for healthy! Happy day!

alcorrea5 said...

I am rooting for a girl to help balance out the testosterone in your house. But you guys made a cute boy-Jackson, too. My kids are rooting for a girl, they have eleven boy cousins and only two girl cousins.

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

I'm guessing girl. But either way, I am so happy for you. Congrats!

Alice said...

I am so excited for you guys. I will guess pink, because you are out numbered :)

The Dummers said...

I'm going with boy, simply because I can't see you with anything but a boy at this point. :)

The Anderson's said...

Hmmm... I guess GIRL!! But with your second, it's win-win either way!!

Tara Bennett said...

Congrats! So excited for you :)

Jeri Dawn said...

Ahhh...congrats! I hope it's a healthy cute little baby! And I am going with the exercise theory...speaking from 4 sit and get fat methods and 1 exercise and love life a lot more! The problem with this is that I have never invested in exercise maternity clothes and it's starting to get a little ugly at the gym :)

Kandice said...

I had no idea Michelle! Congratulations! Boys are fun and so are girls, but I felt completely different with Sam than with my girls, so my guess is GIRL!!!!!!! Either way the baby will be lucky to have a great mommy like you!

Nancy said...

My guess is boy!! But wouldn't it be nice to have a girl....they're way fun to dress up! Just have a healthy baby!

Becky said...


Shelly said...

Hooray! Congrats, I'm so happy for you!! :) So many of my friends and family have 3 boys in a row, so my vote is boy. But a girl would be so fun!!

Can't wait to hear! :)

Karen said...

It took you long enough to tell us! Gosh! I guess a boy ... and congratulations on having an easy pregnancy! That's awesome!