She has two bottom teeth peeking out of her gums, some chubby cheeks and a super sweet smile. I snapped these pics today, and thought they were too adorable not to share.
She is a good natured baby, and was sleeping through the night most nights, until she got a cold recently. But most nights she still only wakes up once so I can't complain too much. I'll give her a little while longer and then we'll try and nip that middle of the night wake up in the bud.
She has rolled over 4 or 5 times, but it isn't something she does all the time. She's good at holding up her head and sitting/standing while we support her.
She is very bald, and I find my self addicted to baby headbands, bows and hats.
There's Harper for you. We sure love her!
Adorable!!! Give her lots of kisses for us!
That pic of her is so adorable.
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