May 30, 2008

Boy Baby Bennett!

Yep, its a boy! And we are very excited. The ultrasound was really fun. It took about 1/2 hour and the ultrasound tech tried to take good pictures of every part of the baby. She said he looks healthy and all his parts are there. Thank Goodness! Next week I'm meeting with my doctor to go over the ultrasound results.

Baby boy Bennett was bouncing all over during the ultrasound. He was very active and kept himself busy grabbing his feet, pulling on the umbilical cord, rolling and turning and constantly kicking my ridiculously full bladder. It was very fun to see. It seems like this baby will take after David and be full of energy.

Lately I'm feeling very pregnant and pretty uncomfortable. Actually I feel pretty good during the day, but at night it is hard to find a comfortable position, especially since I feel like I need to pee every 5 minutes (probably because the baby keeps kicking my bladder)! Who knew that while pregnant you can't lay on your back? Not only is it very uncomfortable, but if you lay on your back you squish an important vein (the inferior vena cava) and it stops blood and oxygen from getting to your baby. I'm a stomach sleeper and that is obviously out of the question. The best position to sleep in while pregnant is apparently your left side. So I try my best to sleep on the left as much as possible. Also my tummy kind of aches, which is normal I guess.

I've also been feeling the baby move more the last couple of days. It kind of just feels like a little tickling in my tummy and I love it.

Jasper's pinewood derby is tonight and he has been thinking of nothing but that for the last month. I had no idea what a pinewood derby was before Jasper. I thought it was some kind of boxcar race or, go cart race. So did my mom. Shows you what growing up in a house with all girls does to you. But that is about to change!

May 29, 2008


Jasper has to give a report tomorrow in school. He could choose any subject in the world, and he chose Zeus. I helped him find some information and then he started to put it together in report form. When I read over his first draft, this how it read:

"Zeus had a wife named Hera and cheated on her like crazy. That's why he has a lot of kids."

I burst out laughing. He said "It's true!" and as I read through the material on Zeus it did say that he had numerous mistresses. AHH! That version was not in his final draft.

Oh, and I'm having a BOY!

May 28, 2008

Can I Play?

Jasper just went outside to play with his friend from school. When the phone rang and it was for him, he got so excited. A few minutes later he asked "Can I play?!" "Yes!" I almost screamed. I'm so so happy he is making friends and having friends come over to play. It has to get so old playing only with us. We are so boring. Yeah for friends!

May 21, 2008

Boy or Girl?

I'm having THE ultrasound on May 29th and yes we are hoping to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl. Jasper really wants it to be a boy, but says "it doesn't matter, I'll toughen it up if its a boy OR a girl." What do you guys think? Are we having a boy or a girl? I posted a poll to the right so cast your vote or leave a comment!

Baby Mama

For my birthday, David took me to see Baby Mama with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. If you like these two on SNL, then you will like the show. It wasn't David's kind of movie at all - what a nice guy to take me to it anyway. We went on this date while my mom and dad watched Jasper for us. When we came home, there was a 4 man tent up in our living room. They all went to REI and I guess my dad couldn't resist. Poor Jasper has sure done a lot of shopping lately - Target with me and his mom. Ikea, and maternity shopping with me and my sisters and now REI. He is such a good sport.

I taught the lesson in church Sunday. I haven't taught for quite a few weeks and so when I got up in front of everyone, the mini podium somehow missing, my pregnant tummy seemed to be the focus of the room. When I looked out into the sea of white puffy hair, I saw 30 pairs of eyes staring straight at my belly. I'm now officially out of the pregnancy closet. Not that I was trying to hide the fact that I was pregnant or anything. Its just werid to figure out when to tell people, or if you should, or if you even want to. One woman did come up to me after the lesson and just said "Congratulations!" I was really tempted to reply with "Congratulations for what?" And deny pregnancy, just to see what would happen. But that would've been mean.

So I finally decided that my slicked back ponytail and barely combed hair look, is not really in anymore and decided to get a haircut. It has been so depressing lately looking in the mirror. All I see is zits, and grody hair. Zits and grody hair. At least I can take care of the grody hair part immediately. The zits might not go away until post baby.

Ta da! My new do:

And here is my pregnant self. Me at 18 weeks.

May 17, 2008


My poor husband has pneumonia! How did this happen? I feel so bad. He's been sick for about a week. He complained of just feeling achey and weak. At first, I thought it must be the flu. However he never threw-up and it just kept getting worse and worse. Finally even he agreed to go to the doctor on Friday. He hates the doctor and hates taking medicine. Until yesterday he had actually never been to a doctor once in his adult life. I'm glad he agreed to break this impressive record. I hope he gets better soon!

May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Becky!

Becky loves. . .

Her husband Jon

Shopping at Country Village, where there are wonderful stores like The Weed Patch.

Making crafts for her kids. She made these bows!

She loves loves loves to read.

and of course. . .

her beautiful children!

May 6, 2008

African Dancing

We did not look this cool.

Saturday, Heather and I went African dancing at the Rose Wagner Theater in SLC. Twice a week they have an exercise/dance class featuring dances from different countries throughout Africa. Saturday we learned the male circumcision dance from Guinea. Yippee!

It is actually really fun and hard work. The teacher is awesome and the moves are really fun. They even have live Congo drums every class. The best part is that Heather and I are NOT DANCERS and are very uncoordinated and look like imbeciles compared to most of the class. Especially since we only go every once in a while (i.e. last time I went was probably 3 years ago). For a good laugh, ask us to show you some of our African dance moves.

So I'm 16 weeks pregnant now. Each week goes by faster and faster. I'm starting to look actually pregnant now, and not just fat. I will post a picture soon, since I'm sure you all are dying to see.

Some interesting things about being pregnant:

  • I love love never having to suck in my gut. My stomach has never been very flat, and this is new and actually pretty liberating.

  • Every part of me is getting bigger. My chest gets bigger every day it feels like. How is this even possible? Stop growing!

  • My body wants and needs lotion all the time.

  • I find myself blaming everything on being pregnant. I blame the messy house, my messy room, my messy hair, all on being pregnant. I blame forgetfulness, belches, toots, and being late for work, all on my pregnancy. Jasper and David don't believe a word I say.

  • I have finally gained my appetite back and love eating everything in sight, with absolutely no guilt.