November 26, 2008

Art by Jasper

Jas brought this assignment home from school. I think its pretty awesome, especially "gobble" since that's what I do all day long. I'm hungry all the time!

Jackson has colic - so far it seems like a somewhat mild case - his crying begins around 6 and ends around 7:30 - 8. His poor little stomach gets hard as a rock and he can't be comforted, poor little guy.

He's sleeping right now, so I better go try and get a shower in. Ciao for now!

p.s. - I've been tagged recently by several people, and I promise I'll get to the tags in a little bit.
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Tara Bennett said...

LOL! Stare is my favorite one.

The Rookie said...

Jasper is a man of many talents.

And that poor little Jackson boy...good luck with the colic!

Miss Stace said...

You had colic when you were a baby....

And the gobble picture is perfecto.

Karen said...

Jasper has great handwriting for a boy his age. Or maybe my boys just have terrible handwriting?

Matthew had colic, I have yet to forgive him. It's exhausting!

Becky said...

Poor you and poor Jackson!