August 30, 2010

Olympic Camping - Part III

Did you know that there is a pretty popular series of books and movies - the Twilight series - that takes place in the Washington's Olympic Peninsula? By an author named Stephenie Meyer? About Vampires and Werewolves?

Yep, there is.

And the city of Forks is definitely capitalizing on it.

Forks was a mere 30 miles from where we were camping, in Kalaloch.

I'm not even a huge fan, but we were so close we had to check it out.
The number of visitors to Forks has increased from approximately 17,000 a year, to 70,000 since the books/movies came out.

Maybe that's why in the chamber of commerce they had the cutouts for the Twilight characters in the lobby.
Which one of these things is not made of cardboard?

And Bella's truck in the parking lot.

Twilight tours. So tempting! Maybe more tempting if the movies had been filmed here, or if the characters in the book were real.

Instead we ate at a Sully's, where they had Edward ice cream, and Jacob burgers.

And scary wooden carvings of ... ???


Becky said...

Ha! That was fun. I never even went inside that building since LIndsay was asleep and too heavy. I missed out on those cardboard cutouts.

The Anderson's said...

After reading this post, I feel like I have visited Forks as well! Thanks for sharing.

Shelly said...

That looks fun. I think Jackson's cuteness outshines Edward or Jacob's anyday.