September 13, 2008

Is it too late to change my mind?

*I googled "scared of childbirth" and this is one of the images that appeared.

David and I went to a childbirth/prenatal class today. This was our first one, and we have one more class next Saturday. It was good, very informative - and very scary. I'm freaked out! I don't want to give birth! Is there any other way to have this baby? I know its a little late. . . but it just looks freaking horrible. I know it will be worth it of course, and I already love this baby so much. I love feeling him move and kick - that is my favorite thing. But I just almost want to throw up thinking about labor and pushing and all the potential complications.

On a lighter note - Jasper won his game today against Bountiful. It is pretty funny getting ready for games every Saturday morning. Every week he asks us what color jersey and pants to wear. Every week I tell him "Your black pants" or "white jersey this time!" Every week he never believes me. "Are you sure??" he asks. "Yes, I'm positive." Three minutes later I hear him asking David "Dave, what colors am I supposed to wear?" Dave tells him the same thing. And then always Jasper follows up with "Can I just call Coach and ask, please?" We have yet to be wrong - I don't know where this skepticism comes from, but its pretty cute.


Tina McKinnon said...

Oh, girl! I hear you and know exactly what you're saying!!! I guess I was too young and dumb to be afraid the 1st time around, but each and every time after that, I'd be fine until about half way through. Then I'd see some TV show about having babies and I would get this sick wave come across me and say "SEND IT BACK!!!" Fortunately for the human race, we tend to forget until we get pregnant again and it's too late. However, obviously we all survive! Love ya!

Becky said...

You can do it! And when it's all over you get to see you beautiful baby and it's all worth it. In that magical miracle moment when the Dr. hands you your baby you forget about the entire thing (and then quickly remember it when you go to the bathroom the first time...)
You're going to be great!
Love you!

Brooke S. said...

ahh, yes, this is my same fear. I've thought "I'd like to have a baby someday, but I don't really want to HAVE a baby."

Alice said...

Oh michelle, I am sure you will do great. Although I have yet to have a baby of my own and I can totally identify with the fear. I see some of those shows and think, I don't think I can do that.

I love all of Jasper's football stories. He seriously is precious to me. (don't tell him I called him precious, he'll think I think he's a whimp ;)

Heather said...

I'm pretty sure it's not too can still change your mind.

The Rookie said...

Oh, honey. I am right there with you, sans fetus.

You see, for a long time I've thought a secretly weird-ish thought to myself. It goes something like this: "What if I am the only woman alive in the course of human history who simply cannot do childbirth? I mean, there is that guy that is growing roots out of his body somewhere in South America, there are those uniquely National Enquirer-esque specimens. Maybe my oddity is that I just can't give birth."

I know you will do great! I got nervous in my belly just thinking about this happening for you. But the truth is that in the end that baby is going to be in YOUR arms! And that is happy and makes it all worth it.

And, have you seen that root guy? Don't look it up. It will give you the willies.