So my real doctor ordered me home from work. That's right, I'm being forced to stay home, put my feet up and eat bon bons (well maybe not the bon bon part, but I'm taking liberties).
I went to my weekly pregnancy checkup, and had high blood pressure, some protein in my urine and some rapid weight gain. Then my doctor took a look at my feet and shook his head in pity "those are some of the most swollen feet I've ever seen." So I had to get some blood drawn and then I was sent down to Labor and Delivery for a "non-stress test." What in the heck is a non-stress test? Well I had no idea, but it didn't sound like a big deal.
Meanwhile at home Dave was waiting for me to get home so he could leave and go to Ogden with some friends. He'd been planning this outing for a few weeks. After I was told I had to take these tests, I called and told him to go ahead. "It's just a blood test and some kind of stress test thing, it won't take any time I'm sure. I'll be done in time to pick up Jasper from school and take him to practice. It's no big deal, just go, I'll be fine!" So he reluctantly headed up to Ogden.
After the blood draw I made my way downstairs to Labor and Delivery and told them that my doctor had sent me down for a non-stress test. Okay. Then they gave me all these forms to sign. While handing me each form, the check-in lady would say stuff like "If you give birth today, do you want an epidural?" "If you stay and have the baby, do you want the baby to be immunized with the Hepatitis B vaccine?" "If you end up giving birth, who will the baby's pediatrician be?"
Now I started to freak a little.
Me: You realize I'm just here for the non-stress test right?"
Check-in lady: Yes.
Me: Is this a big deal?
Check-in lady: well, not really. We're making sure everything is okay.
Me: What IS a non-stress test?
Check-in lady: We'll attach some monitors to your belly and listen to him, make sure he is okay, check your blood pressure.
Me: Okay. How long does this usually take?
Check-in lady: Well it depends, it could take 20 minutes, or you could stay and give birth. :)
Now really scared, I called Dave back and told him sorry but I had no idea how long it would take and he better come home. So he of course got freaked out too, and turned right around.
Luckily my blood pressure was back to normal and the baby was fine, so they sent me home after monitoring me and baby for about an hour and gave me strict instructions to take it easy and not return to work. The nurse also admired the state of my feet. "I've never seen feet like that before," she said in awe. I admit I am pretty happy to not be at work this very minute.
It sure made everything seem more real. I will be having this baby very soon. Ahh! I need to get my house clean, I need to pack a bag to take to the hospital. I need to finish the baby dresser, plant some fall bulbs, and do some relaxing.
So, what TV series on DVD do you think I should bring to the hospital with me? Chances are I'll be in labor for a few hours or more. What should I watch to make the time fly? Poll to the right.
Oh, and what do you think, when will I have this baby? Comment and leave your guess on his date of arrival, and weight.